Financial Stability and Credit Expansion

1. Is a 10,000 words dissertation (desk-based/secondary data) 2. Kindly refer to all the attachments for instructions, guidelines and grading criteria. Make sure the dissertation does meet all the requirements. 3. Words count begins from introduction until conclusion only. References, abstract and table of content do not include in the words count. 4. Please attach a 40-50 percent draft before the final work is delivered for supervisor to review if any adjustment is needed. (IMPORTANT) 5. Is a 10,000 words dissertation so if any questions writer would like to ask/clarify please feel free to do so. 6. Acknowledgement is not needed and be mindful of the word counts not to go beyond or less than 5% 7. I would also like to stress that make sure the number of references is sufficient for a 10,000 words dissertation to shows that a proper research is done and a good dissertation is produce.

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