First Generation College Students in Rural Areas
Doctoral Research Project For the doctoral research project: Write an Introduction. Consider the following: Discuss how your topic will attempt to solve a practical or theoretical problem. Addresses a gap in the literature or builds on existing research. Proposes a new understanding of the topic. 2. Write a Statement of the Problem. Questions to Consider What is the intent of your study? Try to summarize this into a single sentence or paragraph that readers can easily identify. Does your purpose statement use words such as aim, goals, objectives, purpose to signal attention to the central controlling idea? 3. Discuss the background or variables providing sufficient evidence to support a study. 4. Define the problems domain citing literature, which provides a justification for the study. 5. Create a purpose statement. Questions to Consider What is the intent of your study? Try to summarize this into a single sentence or paragraph that readers can easily identify. Does your purpose statement use words such as aim, goals, objectives, purpose to signal attention to the central controlling idea? 6. Research Questions (Typically, one to three total.) 7. Significance of the Study. 8. Definition of Terms. 9. Assumptions, Limitations, and Delimitations. 10. Literature Review – A minimum of 30 references. 11. References Literature Synthesis Matrix (100 points) – Due Day 7, Sunday at 11:59 p.m. CT. Develop a Literature Synthesis Matrix using the chart below adding rows/author(s) and columns/themes as needed. Create concise themes of no more than 10 words with an adequate amount of sources (no less than 20) identifying the larger body of knowledge. Literature Synthesis Matrix Worksheet
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