gender equality A. Historical Background of the Problem How long…

gender equality A. Historical Background of the Problem How long…

gender equality A. Historical Background of the Problem How long…

gender equality A. Historical Background of the ProblemWhen did gender equality begin (who identified it first)?

How long has gender equality been a problem?

How has gender equality changed, or not over time (definition, societal view, etc.)?

Has gender equality problem impacted historically specific segments of the American government or society?

Who has been opposed to solving this problem of gender equality and why?

Who has been an advocate, and what has been done to assess the social problem of gender equality?

B. Interventions

How has the problem previously been handled by the American government or American society on gender equality?

What gender equality programs or policies exist today to help ameliorate the situation?

How gender equality effective are these programs or policies?

What gender equality alternative suggestions your group makes to address the social problem?

Do you think this problem on gender equality will eventually be solved or worsen, or will it remain the same?


 C. Conclusion

After you have completed your research, what is your conclusion about gender equality?

has your original perspective about this issue changed on gender equality?

Do you support an intervention that has already been proposed on gender equality?

Do you offer one new intervention that you believe is more effective on gender equality?

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