GEO101 Who killed Ekaru Loruman & Rise of the BRICS in Africa Article Essay

Due Friday by 11:59pm One of the objectives of this course is to improve your writing and critical thinking skills. We will work on this goal through short thought pieces, which include synthesis and reflection. To SYNTHESIZE means to assemble parts into a new whole. The parts are the different readings, each representing a distinct view or understanding on a range of topics. The “whole” is your new writing piece that considers the various arguments and viewpoints. The “whole” ought to also include your thoughts and reflections. You may agree, disagree with the readings. But a good synthesis often brings into focus paradoxes, contradictions, or other seeming inconsistencies in the readings and course materials. The ultimate objective is to demonstrate your understanding of the readings and to present thoughtful engagement with them. A synthesis IS NOT a review of she said, he said, and this person said, and I agree with this person. A synthesis captures the essence of the arguments (sometimes from several different sources) and grapples with the ways in which the arguments align and diverge. And presents and interesting take or oversight that hasn’t been discussed thus far. You are required to synthesize information from the sources into your argument. Remember that the sources won’t make your point. They provide supporting information, perspectives, viewpoints. You’re likely asking yourself, “how do I accomplish this”? “All good writing begins with terrible first efforts,” notes novelist Anne Lamott, in an essay appropriately called ‘Shitty First Drafts’. Good writing takes labor: getting it down, ruthless editing, eliminating excess or flabby prose, fine-tuning for flow, tightening the nuts and bolts of evidence and argument, silencing the internal voice (what Natalie Goldberg calls ‘monkey mind’) that screams ‘I can’t, I don’t know how.’ Writing is a muscle. You have to work at it! Good writers do not sit down and write gold. They write a lot and edit, which involves re-reading, reflecting and deleting much of what they wrote. If a sentence doesn’t sound right, or it doesn’t convey what they mean they work on sculpting the sentence until it does. Some quick steps to improve your writing. Step 1: Do the readings. Step 2: Take notes on the main points of the readings and other week’s materials. Ask yourself what is the overarching argument of the piece? Step 3: Reflect on the above paragraphs. Write a draft. Read the draft out loud. Delete, edit, and rewrite. Repeat. Step 4: Repeat Step 3. Week one reflection assignment: Length 450 words. Due Friday, June 29th. 11:59pm Pacific Standard Time. Synthesize at least two of this week’s materials (meaning the readings and the video, at least one reading). Your responses should, of course, be written in complete sentences and paragraphs. After carefully reading your chosen texts: Synthesize two of this week’s readings. Explain why you find them to be important. In other words, what is at stake for each of the main arguments made? Cite specific passages and include page numbers. Reflect on the two most interesting or confusing points in the readings and explain what you find paradoxical or interesting. Be specific! Cite specific passages and include page numbers. Some Rubric Some Rubric Criteria This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStudent’s synthesis of the two readings. How well did the student synthesize? This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Reflection on interesting or paradoxical aspects on readings. This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting and grammar. How well is the reflection written? Total Points: 10.0 Previous Ratings 4.0 pts 0.0 pts Full No Marks Marks 4.0 pts 0.0 pts Full No Marks Marks 2.0 pts 0.0 pts Full No Marks Marks Pts 4.0 pts 4.0 pts 2.0 pts

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