Georgetown University Ancient Greek Philosopher Plato Discussion

Ancient Greek Philosopher Plato Discussion

Ancient Greek Philosopher Plato Discussion


Paper 1: Classical Period
“Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.”

– Plato

Plato’s Republic is the best form of government – only the wise and knowledgeable should rule. Any checks on their discretion and power, especially democratic ones, should be avoided. Discuss.

Cite FIVE different authors from: Plato; Aristotle; Polybius; Cicero; Epicurus; Any Federalist Paper that is relevant; any work of John Adams; any work of T. Jefferson; any from reader


Skills: Critical comparative analysis of multiple legal philosophies; Empathy; Application of historical ideas to contemporary world

4 page, and must read the source I added, If you need any reading requirement plz contact me.

plz read the reading materials!!!!!

Key Points to Remember!

  • This is a Reading Response paper – it is NOT a summary of your lecture notes. The lectures provide context and explanation to the philosopher’s ideas or the legal structures in place. They are not YOUR personal response to the readings you have completed. Do not write a summary of your lecture notes! DO NOT CITE YOUR LECTURE NOTES.
  • Above all else, I want an intelligent answer to the question based on a logical argument grounded in your readings. Demonstrate to me that you have considered your argumentation critically (i.e. logically and rationally and how it compares and contrasts with what authors have already written on the topic) and you will have gone a long way in achieving a good overall mark.
  • To focus your minds and your papers, I require a 50 word (max) statement of your argument at the top of your first page. This statement will answer the question and provide the main reason for your answer (e.g. “The arguments in favor of the Mixed Constitution in the Ancient World are still relevant today because…..”). This statement should be in bold and separate from the rest of your text at the top of the first page.
  • Commit to an answer, but be aware of counter arguments and counter evidence. Deal with them in your paper, but once you have found your answer, defend it.
  • You must provide direct quotes from at least five of the authors listed for each question. A direct quote involves taking the words of the author from the text, putting them in quotation marks, integrating them into your paper in a grammatically correct manner and giving an accurate citation of the direct quote.
  • Secondary readings are not required. BUT, they will introduce you to better and different interpretations of the material you are dealing with. The best papers will be written by students who have read beyond the syllabus and evidenced this reading in their papers.
  • (Legal) history papers are written in the past tense… “Locke thought…”, not “Locke thinks…”
  • The word limit is 1200 words – This means no less than 1100 and no more than 1300. Put a word count at the end of your paper.
  • Academic work, particularly historical research, should aim for as much objectivity as possible. For this reason, try to avoid subjective constructions, such as the first person: “I think..”, “My view is…”. (If it helps, write those things in your first draft and then simply go through and delete them when editing – you’ll see they add nothing to your paper except extra words!)
  • Do not use contractions in academic work – don’t, wouldn’t, they’re etc.
  • For the love of all that is good and gracious in this world, please (nay, double please) DO NOT use the titles of the readings in your papers! They do nothing for your paper except eat up your word count unnecessarily. Please do not put them in there.
  • Finally, go through the checklist on the next page before each paper.

Requirements: 4 page

This paper does not have five quotations from the class reader and therefore does not qualify as reading response paper. The requirement to have five direct citations from the readings is clearly in the syllabus and has been discussed multiple times in class. Please re-write and re-submit this paper for me to be able to give you a grade. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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