Give a background of the topic or problem you have chosen and

Give a background of the topic or problem you have chosen and

Give a background of the topic or problem you have chosen and

Give a background of the topic or problem you have chosen

and discuss why it would benefit from being understood through a sociological lens. What assumptions do people make about it that sociology can inform (or change)? What does sociology bring to the table that differs from people’s everyday social and cultural assumptions?
-Discuss how two sociological theories can be applied. In doing so, you should make clear that you understand how the core perspectives of the theory can connect to and offer insight on the real-world example you have chosen. In other words, how would this theory interpret your topic?
-It may be easiest to choose from the major theories (Structural-Functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism, and Conflict Theory*), but recall that there are some other theories presented in your readings.
-Discuss how two sociological concepts can be applied. In doing so, you should show how these concepts can be seen at work inside the topic/problem you’ve identified. Use them to zero in on aspects of your example and interpret them. You may choose from the following list of concepts:
-Social Structure
-Social inequality*
-Social identity
-Including groups and categories
-Power and authority (counts as one)

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