Global Accounting Firm
You are a new staff accountant at Worldwide Consulting, a global accounting firm that specializes in providing consulting services to companies both domestic and global. As part of your new responsibilities, you have been instructed to review SEC proposed rules to determine whether they should be commented on. Visit the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) website at . Go to the Regulation menu, and the Proposed Rules submenu. Review and identify a recent proposed rule, as well as any comments that have already been submitted on this proposal. Respond to the following: 1. The major facts of this proposed rule. 2. A summary of the current comments on this proposal. 3. Your opinion about the proposal. That is, do you agree or disagree with the SEC’s proposal and why or why not? 4. Provide examples to support your opinion. A substantive initial post should answer the question presented completely and/or asks a thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
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