Global Financial Management

Global Financial Management

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How will accomplishing these objectives support your success in management? What risks or challenges might a manager encounter if they have not mastered these objectives? Explain.

Describe the forces of globalization and its implications for the multinational firm.

Interpret the operation of the international financial system, its current state, and challenges for the future.

Summarize different types of foreign exchange exposure faced by the MNC. Identification and measurement of these risks

Explain the structure of international financial markets and institutions and the range of instruments traded therein.


    • Global Financial Management and Risks
    • International Investing
    • The Shareholder: Corporate Wealth Maximization Models
    • Corporate Governance
    • International Finance Management
    • International Monetary System
    • Currency Boards
    • Fixed Versus Flexible Exchange Rates
    • The Euro: Pros and Cons
    • Government and Business Interaction
    • Accounting, Cash Flows, and Taxes
  • Brigham & Ehrhardt, Chapters 1, 2 & 17. Download and print the course materials for Unit 1.

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