HA510 Unit 2 Discussion

On 150 words or more respond to the following discussion question:

Go to the website given below and read the article about the Stages of Change Model.


After you have read the article, discuss how this model has relevance to the need for identifying key factors of an organization’s performance. You should support your statement, your original post and your responses to others.

On two separate paragraph give your personal opinion to  Danielle Dials and Celine Bass 

Danielle Dials 

As health insurance providers shift from fee for service to value based payment models, the importance of adapting to the changing industry landscape is necessary for any healthcare provider to thrive. This includes the implementation of electronic medical records, strategies for managing bundled payment participation, and initiating preventative care and cessation measures among their patients. Employees are often on the front line of these changes, meaning their day to day functions as well as the organizational structure could significantly be impacted. It is important that leaders not only lead process change but also lead their people through those times of change (Selivanoff, 2018).

As Ted Powell noted, there are four stages of change that employees will progress through; denial, emotional, acceptance, and commitment. It is important that leaders accelerate their teams past the first two phases in order to make lasting, positive change (Powell, 2014). Addressing intellectual and emotional factors that may influence an employee’s willingness to change is highly recommended to move forward. From an intellectual standpoint, leaders should explain the necessary steps and reasons for change with supporting data or industry examples. This will ensure the employee that what is being asked of them is possible. In addition, the leader must appeal to their emotions. Managers should frame conversations so the employee feels the change is in line with their needs or values (Selivanoff, 2019).


Powell, T. (2014). The four stages of organizational change. Stop of Nothing. Retrieved from: https://stopatnothing.com/the-leaders-edge-four-stages-of-organizational-change/

Selivanoff, P. (2018). Leading Change Effectively. Healthcare Financial Management Association. Retrieved from: https://eds-a-ebscohost-com.libauth.purdueglobal.edu/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=1&sid=92ad5299-a7f3-4d51-89cc-9172faec8bd4%40sdc-v-sessmgr01

Celine Bass 

Change is inevitable. However, there are many who become extremely uncomfortable when asked to step away from their comfort zone and can become defiant; often due to fear of the unknown, thus blocking the necessary movement forward.

Powell (2014) describes the four typical stages employees may experience as a result of a large organizational change: Denial:”If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” There’s no need for change. Emotional: Problem-identifying mindset. Low morale and negative emotions run rampant. Acceptance: Problem-solving mindset. An optimistic attitude starts growing. Commitment: Increase in morale and productivity. We’ve overcome the worst together and are stronger for it.

I felt that the overall take home message from the article “The Four Stage of Organizational Change” was that in order to get anything accomplished, you need buy-in from your staff. To do that, you need patience, communication, and resources in place to support them. Broder (2013) did a great job laying out five steps necessary to get “buy-in” from employees in order to get anything accomplished.   Lay out the vision. Clearly state what and why it is important to change. Personalize tasks. Assign tasks with measurable goals that play to their strengths in order to motivate them to achieve success. Follow-up. Stay connected during process to trouble-shoot as needed and let them know you’re willing to help them through the needed changes. Nip resistance in the bud. One rotten apple can spoil the bunch so address negativity immediately. Be prepared to change the change. Solicit feedback from employees and fine-tune the plan by making corrections to process as you go along

I think the feelings some employees express as a result of change are similar to those when experiencing grief. They’re somewhat similar in that the employees may feel as though they’re losing something familiar and are grieving the loss, being forced to embrace something new that they did not choose for themselves. Ultimately, you cannot rush anyone through any of the stages – they will have to work through them at their own pace.


Broder, L. (2013, August 22). Change is good. Now, how to get employees to buy in. Entrepreneur. Retrieved from: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/227920

Powell, T. (2014, September 3). The four stages of organizational change. Stop of Nothing. Retrieved from: https://stopatnothing.com/the-leaders-edge-four-stages-of-organizational-change/

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