HA520 Unit 3 Discussion

Your posts should be 150 words or more, reading  

Chapter 3: “The Income Statement and Statement of Changes in Equity”

Chapter 4: “The Balance Sheet and Statement of Cash Flows” 

Title: Healthcare Finance 

Edition: 6th (2016) 

Author: Gapenski 

Publisher: Health Administration Press Book 

ISBN: 978-1567937411 


Title: Gapenski’s Cases in Healthcare Finance 

Edition: 6th (2018) 

Author: Pink, Song 

Publisher: Health Administration Press 

Book ISBN: 978-1567939651  

Financial Statements and Accounting Concept

Respond to the following: 

Consider a healthcare organization with which you are familiar with and explain the difference between cash and accrual accounting in healthcare setting. Be sure to include a discussion of the revenue recognition and matching principles.

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