health care service provider – Human Resource Management homework help

Health Care Service Provider Presentation

Select one of the health care service providers identified in your Week Three assignment, Health Care Providers and Products.


Providers of service options:

·preventive care or public health

·ambulatory or primary care

·subacute or long term care

·acute care

·auxiliary services

·rehabilitative services

·end of life care

·mental health services

·emergency management or disaster preparedness

·dental services

·military and veteran services

·Indian health services


Prepare an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes and at least 1 video that discusses the health care service provider selected.

Include the following in your presentation:


  • Identify the selected health care service provider selected.
  • Identify two additional services and products he or she provides.
  • Identify the roles of various stakeholders and emerging roles within the health care service provider selected.
  • Explain how the services and products are financed or paid for.
  • Identify current and future trends that may have an impact on this provider of health care services.

Cite at least 3 peer-reviewed or scholarly reference

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