Health Insurance Companies

Please READ carefully.  I have attached the paper written by previous writer from (their updated version named, “opioids Treatmentedited.docx”). The writer did a horrendous job. I have attached the first version of the paper (file, “opioids crisis (4)edited (1)_Review Comments Prafful.docx”) with my comments that I had sent to the writer which were not addressed in the updated version. The ask is to EDIT the written paper keeping in mind the comments below.  Below were my issues with the paper and needs edited.  1. There were 20 places where the paper was plagiarized.  2. It appears that different sentences have been copied from various papers online by changing sentences. The sentences after changing words and losing their meaning or what they are trying to say. The meaning is not at all clear. If you are copying thoughts, please change paraphrase and provide references from where you copied. 3. Different thoughts have just been dumped in the paper. There is no logical flow. 4. Some words like crisis, misuse, overdose, etc. have been repeated multiple times. 5. Some sentences have been used in the paper several times. 6. I stopped the paper review at page 10. Please edit the entire paper keeping in mind comments shared above.

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