HealthCare Contemporary Issues Proposal

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HealthCare Contemporary Issues Proposal

HealthCare Contemporary Issues Proposal


Select a significant contemporary issue in health care relevant to current and future generations.  Review of the Concept Paper Tab of the Dissertation Criteria and Rating Scale is useful for this assignment.  If you have previously completed DOC/721R and written a Concept Paper, you may review the paper to identify strengths and weaknesses in your proposed study.

Reflect on how your proposed study may influence health care marketing (products/services, placement, promotion, pricing, and/or positioning)

Write a 1,750- to 2,450-word paper, analyzing the effect of the issue on consumers and health care organizations’ marketing and propose how the issue could be studied.

Include the following information: Contemporary Issues in Health Care Research Proposal

  • Introduction: Orientation to the general topic of the proposed study
  • Background: Discussion about why the research issue is of important social concern or theoretical interest
  • Problem: Inclusion of a clear statement identifying the need to study the issue and statistics documenting the issue’s scope with credible research published in the past five years. Contemporary Issues in Health Care Research Proposal
  • Purpose: Inclusion of a clear statement identifying the aim of the study as well as its method (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed) and design (e.g., phenomenological, correlational, descriptive, case study, Delphi, experiment, pre-test/post-test, etc.)
  • Research questions: One or two broad, open-ended questions for the proposed study that examine the issue, avoiding dichotomous research questions
  • Significance
    • General significance:  Discussion about the importance of studying the issue as well as the contribution the research may make to current and future studies
    • Leadership significance: Discussion about how studying the issue may add to the body of leadership knowledge and literature
  • Conceptual Framework: Overview of the conceptual framework that will guide the study.
  • Research recommendations
    • Research method: Identification and defense of a suggested quantitative, qualitative, or mixed method for the proposed study
    • Research design: Identification and defense of an appropriate research design (e.g., phenomenological, ethnographic, descriptive, exploratory, correlational, etc.) for the proposed study
    • Sample/Venue: Identification and defense of an appropriate sample and location for the proposed study
    • Data collection: Identification and defense of an appropriate data collection strategy for the proposed study
    • Instrumentation: Identification and defense of appropriate data instrumentation for the proposed study
  • Conclusion: Explanation of how the proposed study may influence health care marketing

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Submit a copy of the Plagiarism Checker report with the assignment. Allow yourself time to receive and submit the originality report. If the Plagiarism Checker is down, submit your assignment on time and inform your facilitator via private message.  Post the Plagiarism Checker report when it arrives.

Click the Contemporary Issues in Health Care Research Proposal Assignment Files tab to submit your paper and Plagiarism Checker report.

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