Heberden’s nodes assignment

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 Heberden’s nodes assignment

Heberden’s nodes assignment


Question 4 Question : A 28-year-old graduate student comes to your clinic for evaluation of pain “all over” With further questioning, she is able to relate that the pain is worse in the neck, shoulders, hands, low back, and knees She denies swelling in her joints She states that the pain is worse in the morning There is no limitation in her range of motion On physical examination, she has several points on the muscles of the neck, shoulders, and back that are tender to palpation Muscle strength and range of motion are normal Which one of the following is likely the cause of her pain?

Rheumatoid arthritis



Polymyalgia rheumatica

Question 5 Question : Heberden’s nodes are commonly found in which one of the following diseases?

Rheumatoid arthritis

Degenerative joint disease

Psoriatic arthritis

Septic arthritis

Question 6 Question : A new patient is complaining of severe pruritus that is worse at night Several family members also have the same symptoms Upon examination, areas of excoriated papules are noted on some of the interdigital webs of both hands and on the axillae This finding is most consistent with:

Contact dermatitis


Larva migrans


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