Hello! please answer the ff question. own opinion Aside from your.

Hello! please answer the ff question. own opinion Aside from your.

Hello! please answer the ff question. own opinion Aside from your.

Hello! please answer the ff question. own opinion

Aside from your classroom, find a public place in your school campus or within you community that is busy with social interaction. Without being intrusive, watch carefully the patterns of social interaction of small groups containing both males and females. Then, answer the following items:

1. Who typically initiates social interaction, males or females? Who typically ends it?

2. Are there differences between males and females in how long each dominates the conversation?

3. Compare males and females in terms of symbolic gestures and language styles.

Now, examine groups made up either all males or all females.

4. How do patterns of social interaction in same-sex groups differ from those in mixed groups?

5. What conclusions can be derived about the role of gender in social interaction?

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