Hello, Please help me to solve these tiny multiple choice…

Hello, Please help me to solve these tiny multiple choice…

Hello, Please help me to solve these tiny multiple choice…

Hello, Please help me to solve these tiny multiple choice questions. Thanks!

1.A social scientist who studies how individuals interact in a group is


a/an a. anthropologist

b. sociologist

c. psychologist

d. behaviourist

2. During the agricultural era, it was in the family’s best interest to produce many children


a. the infant mortality rate was high

b. children could grow up to be labourers

c. more

children meant a greater likelihood of producing a male heir

d. all of the above e. both b and c

3. According to evolutionary theory, males are more likely to look for _____ in mates, while

females are more likely to look for _____.

a. health; resources

b. variety; health

c. physical beauty; wealth

d. resources; youth

4. Which theory of attraction best describes the way in which mainstream media portrays love?

a. Ideal Mate Theory

b. Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love

c. Natural Selection

d. Murstein’s Filter Theory

5. What is the most common reason that a biological mother gives for placing her child in an

adoptive home?

a. they are too poor to give the child a good life

b. they feel they are too young to be a parent

c. they want to complete their education

d. they have been deemed to be unfit and are forced to give up their children 3

6. Which of the following is not a risk factor for teenage pregnancy?

a. low socio-economic status

b. a family system with lower overall education

c. living in urban areas

d. having a mother that was a teenage parent

7. Custody arrangements, where divorced parents are both entitled to make decisions for the

well-being of the child are called

a. Physical custody arrangements

b. Joint custody arrangements

c. Shared custody


d. Co-parenting arrangements

8. A limitation of functionalism is that it

a. upholds the status quo

b. promotes victim-blaming

c. ignores the influence of

larger institutions

d. cannot be applied globally

9. Which of the following is not an important concern regarding ethical research?

a. determining causation rather than correlation

b. obtaining informed consent from participants

c. avoiding deception as much as possible

d. reporting results as they are

10. Hatfield’s matching hypothesis claims that

a. we are more likely to be attracted to someone if we know they are attracted to us

b. mate preferences are shaped at a very young age by using a parent as a model c.

people who have symmetrical faces are perceived as more beautiful

d. relationships are more successful if both partners are of equal levels of attractiveness

11. Polygamy is best defined as

a. a man taking multiple wives

b. an individual entering into a marriage contract with multiple partners

c. a woman taking multiple husbands

d. an individual having multiple casual romantic relationships at one time

12. Which of the following is a valid criticism of Psychoanalysis?

a. It puts too much emphasis on the notion of free will

b. The results of its studies have too much heterogeneity

c. It is not falsifiable

d. It does not consider religion’s influence on behaviour

13. A correlational study is one that determines

a. The relationship between the independent and the extraneous variable

b. The effects the observer has on the subject

c. Cause-and-effect relationships

d. The relationship between two variables 4

14. All of the following are long term effects on parents who have lost a child except

a. a desire to have another child to give life meaning again

b. an increase in depressive symptoms

c. a higher likelihood of divorce or marital disruption

d. an increase in health problems

15. Anthropology, sociology and psychology all analyse:

a. Personal thoughts

b. Human behaviour

c. Human values

d. Symbols and language

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