Hi dear tutors, Please I’m really stuck with the following…

Hi dear tutors, Please I’m really stuck with the following…

Hi dear tutors, Please I’m really stuck with the following…

Hi dear tutors,Please I’m really stuck with the following assignment about Soci: 100 Introduction to Sociology

. So I really need your help, please! Here is the assignment:

1. Please respond to this quote from John Powell using what you have learned from the 57-minute film “The House We Live In: Race—the Power of an Illusion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBBcim_sJhc” and from your Conley book, and any PowerPoints: On page 3, Powell says, “There’s also the language of personal responsibility, which suggests really that there’s no institutional and structural responsibility. There’s no collective responsibility. If you’re not doing well, it’s not because of anything that we in society have done. It’s not because of our history, our legacy of Jim Crow, segregation, exploitation and subordination; it’s all personal. So it all gets translated into, “We’re not responsible.” (Make sure you read his whole interview to understand the context of this quote.)

2. What does he mean by this? (especially “structural responsibility”)

3. What role does race play in structural inequality today?

Here is the link for John Powell’s interview article: http://www.pbs.org/race/000_About/002_04-background-03-06.htm



• You must cite at least two studies listed in your Conley book. It is likely that these studies might come from Chapter 9 “Race,” but the studies don’t have to.

• You must also cite/draw from the uploaded interview from John Powell.

• You must use American Psychological Association guidelines for references and citations.

Thank you in advance!

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