HLT 600 GC Week 1 Discussions

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HLT 600 GC Week 1 Discussions

HLT 600 GC Week 1 Discussion 1 Latest

A hallmark of President Barack Obama’s administration has been the introduction of his Affordable Health Care Act. What are the main goals of the Affordable Health Care Act? Provide an argument for or against its implementation. Make sure to provide evidence to support your position. Respond to two other peers with differing opinions and identify points that you feel may sway you to reconsider your opinion. If you do not find points that may make you reconsider, describe why you disagree with the peer’s response. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit.


HLT 600 GC Week 1 Discussion 2 Latest

Given the policy-making process, why is the composition of Congress important, and how does it influence the creation of health care policy? Use a specific example to demonstrate your point within your answer. Respond to two other peers and provide additional insight and/or constructive comments. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit.


HLT 600 GC Week 1 Discussion 3 Latest

How do special interest groups (SIGs) influence the generation of health care policy in the United States? Support your answer with an example of how a special interest group has influenced the generation of a specific policy. Respond to two other peers and provide additional insight and/or constructive comments. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit.

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