How to read and understand arguments?

3 parts to this assignment

Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.


  1. Find a credible news story from the past 3 months that employs one of the fallacies of emotional argument. Explain which argument is used, how it’s used, and whether it’s effective.
  2. Find a credible news story from the past 3 months that employs one of the fallacies of ethical argument. Explain which argument is used, how it’s used, and whether it’s effective.
  3. Find a credible news story from the past 3 months that employs one of the fallacies of logical argument. Explain which argument is used, how it’s used, and whether it’s effective.
  4. Find an op-ed piece in credible newspaper or website, preferably on a topic on which you disagree, and write a rhetorical analysis following the guide on pages 114-115 of the textbook. Assignment: part 2
  5. Find a letter to the editor in the New York Times, LA Times, or Wall Street Journal. Use page 145 of the textbook to perform a Toulmin analysis of the letter. Suggest revisions and offer additional evidence
  6. Perform the exercise on page 158 of the textbook that centers on In addition to the activity, be sure to explain why you chose the topic you did and whether what you believed to be accurate about that topic turned out to be proven true or false.
  7. Create a list of 3 commonly believed conspiracy theories. Following the examples on page 161 of the textbook, create three versions of each claim in which each version offers more information to help readers judge the merit of the claim.
  8. Write an argument of definition about a term that has suddenly become culturally significant or recently changed in some important way. Either defend the way the term has come to be defined or raise questions about its appropriateness, offensiveness, inaccuracy, and so one.
  9. Choose one item from the following list that you understand well enough to evaluate. Develop several criteria of evaluation that you could defend to distinguish excellence from meritocracy in the area. Then choose an item you don’t know much about and explain the research you might perform to discover reasonable criteria of evaluation for it. Smart phones, NFL quarterbacks, fashion designers, Navajo rugs, UN secretary generals, contemporary painters, hip-hop bands, organic vegetables, athletic shoes, historic U.S. battlegrounds, breeds of dogs, former British prime ministers.
  10. Find an obituary or eulogy of a famous person who died in the past 6 months. Analyze the types of claims the document makes about the accomplishments of the deceased. Explain what types of criteria of evaluation hold the article together. Also explain why the person should be respected or admired.
  11. Find a topic of social responsibility that is of interest to today’s university students. Write up a plan of how you’d prepare a proposal to deal with the topic.
  12. Find a hot issue proposal in the news today that you REALLY disagree with. It may be a political initiative, cultural innovation, technological advancement, or lifestyle change. Study the idea more deeply than you have to date then compose a proposal argument based on your deeper understanding of the proposal. You may take a stance either for or against the issue.

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