HUM 8115 UAGC Three Critical Areas of Community Action Plan Paper

HUM 8115 UAGC Three Critical Areas of Community Action Plan Paper

Three Critical Areas of Community Action Plan

Three Critical Areas of Your Community Action Plan.

Develop three critical areas of your community action plan in 1050- to 1750 words. Expand on your outline to include more detailed strategic plans for income development, personnel expertise, and program evaluation, paying attention to at least one different theory for each section. Make sure each section relates to your chosen community organization, draws connections among all the sections and contributes to the community action plan.


Required Text

Homan, M. S. (2016). Promoting community change: Making it happen in the real world. (6th ed.). Retrieved from

Chapter 6. Power

Chapter 9. Raising Other Resources

Chapter 14. Increasing the Effectiveness of Health and Human Services Organizations

Required References

Free Management Library. (n.d.). Fundraising. Retrieved from Retrieved from


Free Management Library. (n.d.). Strategic planning. Retrieved from Retrieved from


Free Management Library. (n.d.). Volunteers. Retrieved from Retrieved from





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