Human Resources Management Roles

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Human Resources Management Roles

Human Resources Management Roles



The purpose of this assignment is to ensure that you understand the difference between Human Resources Management (HRM)–a “line” manager–and the Human Resources Department (HRD)–a “staff” function. It is important to understand that these functions are different; one provides direction to an organization and the other provides support. As you work on this assignment, consider different components within the role of a human resources manager versus the role of the Human Resources department.

Write a 350- to 700-word paper that includes the following:

  • Identify HRM’s role and the human resources department’s role in the health care industry.
    • Consider the major differences between these two functions.
  • Describe two of the functional roles of the human resources department in detail.

Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.

Format your Human Resources Management Roles Assignment paper according to APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your Human Resources Management Roles Assignment assignment.

HCS 341 WEEK 5 Human Resources Management Presentation

Imagine your learning team is the human resources management team at the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital virtual organization. The new chief executive officer of your hospital has asked your team to prepare a presentation about human resources at the hospital.

Review the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital HR website by click on the Virtual Organization under student materials. This is where you will find the employee files that you need for this assignment.

Prepare a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation for the new chief executive officer.

Include the following in your presentation:

  • Describe performance appraisal standards for your hospital.
  • Identify barriers and guidelines for effective performance appraisals.
  • Identify specific employee files that show due diligence of progressive discipline of employees. Determine if due diligence is followed in the corrective action file of the following employees:
    • Bennie Bellamy
    • Alva Branham
    • King Lovell
    • Louise McFate
  • Follow the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital human resources goals to examine the changing role of the human resources department in response to changes in the health care industry.

Cite at least 4 references.

Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.

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