I need assistance with my final project Research topic: How women

I need assistance with my final project Research topic: How women

I need assistance with my final project Research topic: How women

I need assistance with my final project Research topic: How women are affected by homelessness

1)Introduction. Why choose this issue? How does it affect you, your community, country or the world?

2) identify 2 social science disciplines ( sociology and psychology) to examine homelessness. Why choose these 2 disciplines? What concepts or ideas in each is useful and why?

3) describe homelessness and effects on women from sociology. What research methods were used in the studies? What is one potential ethical issue in sociology?

4)Describe homelessness and how women are affected by it from a psychological perspective. What research methods are used in the studies?what is one potential ethical issue in psychology?

5) conclusion. How did the use of an interdisciplinary approach help better understand this issue? What role does social science play in understanding society?

please include citations if possible for easy access. Thank you.

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