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Advertising is the method through which an audience is reached in order to attract their attention with the aim of selling goods and services. There are various methods that are used for that course which includes media forms like television, radio and other forms of publications. Advertising can also be executed through the use of billboards, vehicle branding, walls, streets and buildings. Advertising is a very vital marketing strategy because many people can be reached and the relevant information conveyed with an aim of increasing the sales of the various products and services making the customers to be lured into the trap of the advertisers. Some find themselves attacked by impulse buying hence increasing the sales of the company. Through the mix of various tools of communication, messages aimed at persuading the customers are conveyed. The company must have good knowledge of the consumers purchasing behavior and power and the ability of the company to influence that. Most importantly is the focus on the mechanisms and processes that the consumer usually uses in making the purchasing decisions. According to Maslow human beings have got three types of needs, utilitarian needs, social needs and psychological needs which make the consumer behave in a certain way. Manipulative adverting occurs when the advertiser applies all his efforts in order to convince and indirectly force the consumer to choose those consumption bundles he had not made decisions on in the first place. People are manipulated through quality exaggeration, language fallacious arguments, emotional claims and language manipulation.

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