Immigration Issues in the United States

Article Review: Immigration Issues in the United StatesOverview: Complete an article review from a scholarly journal on an immigration policy or issue in the United States.Length and Format: In a maximum of 3-5 pages in length, full APA-7th edition formatting and citations shall be used.Requirements:1.    Present an introduction on the topic chosen using information from the textbook and lecture materials;2.    Discuss the theme(s) of the article as it relates to an immigration issue or policy;3.    Discuss what you learned from the article as it relates to an immigration issue or policy;4.    Conclude with a critical review of how it can be applied to the field of homeland security.**Note: Please note this is not a mini research paper, but rather a review of an article and how it relates to the discussed immigration issue or policy.Textbooks:Frontiers of Fear: Immigration and Insecurity in the United States and EuropeD’Appollonia, Ariane ChebelCopyright 2012Cornell University PressImmigration, Assimilation, and Border SecurityShaw-Taylor, YokuCopyright 2011Government Institutes

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