In the hypothetical scenario below, answer the following questions:..

In the hypothetical scenario below, answer the following questions:..

In the hypothetical scenario below, answer the following questions:..

In the hypothetical scenario below, answer the following questions:

provide an analysis. Include a specific discussion and analysis of each potential act of unauthorized practice of law.

You should identify at least five instances of potential UPL. Complete the questions in the following format for each analysis:

a. Explain and list the specific action you have chosen to analyze. For example, “Jane provides legal advice to the client upon her request via email.”

b. Provide the portion of NJ, NY or PA law (UPL law only) which addresses this specific act. Provide the citation. For example, “According to New York law Rule 5.5.(b)(2), “hold out to the public or otherwise represent that the lawyer is admitted to practice law in this jurisdiction….

c. Explain if you believe that the rule of law applies to the specific instance as UPL or not. Provide a clear reasoning section as to why this is UPL o r is not UPL.

Repeat this format for each of the five instances you have selected.

Hypothetical Scenario-

Jane, Jack, Jill, Jana, and Jenny are paralegals at ABC Law Firm. Their supervisor is Betty Green, an attorney at the firm.

Betty is overwhelmed with her job and asks the paralegals to additional tasks; some of these tasks may violate UPL statutes. Betty assigns Jane to draft client complaints and to send the complaints to Jerome (an attorney at the firm) for review and approval. Jane sometimes files the cases without Jerome’s review or approval. Jack is assigned to complete client interviews, and upon each interview to decide whether or not to accept the case on behalf of the firm. Jill is required to complete intake forms for each new client. Jenny is assigned to represent clients in mediation matters, but not trials.

After a week of completing their new assignments, Jack and Jill are also asked to revise the legal fee structure at the law firm. Betty informs them that they need to decide a new legal fee (cost) for each of the firm’s services. Jenny is assigned to post the new fees in the client portal. Jenny also meets with a client to provide them with advice and guidance on a case because the  firm’s attorneys are too busy.

answer the following questions:

provide an analysis. Include a specific discussion and analysis of each potential act of unauthorized practice of law.

You should identify at least five instances of potential UPL. Complete the questions in the following format for each analysis:

a. Explain and list the specific action you have chosen to analyze. For example, “Jane provides legal advice to the client upon her request via email.”

b. Provide the portion of NJ, NY or PA law (UPL law only) which addresses this specific act. Provide the citation. For example, “According to New York law Rule 5.5.(b)(2), “hold out to the public or otherwise represent that the lawyer is admitted to practice law in this jurisdiction….

c. Explain if you believe that the rule of law applies to the specific instance as UPL or not. Provide a clear reasoning section as to why this is UPL o r is not UPL.

Repeat this format for each of the five instances you have selected.

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