In this assignment, you will explore The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde (accessible through this Web site). Read Chapter 1 of the story. Then, use the provided template to create a PowerPoint presentation of 5–6 slides (include speaker notes) that addre


In this assignment, you will explore The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde (accessible through this Web site). Read Chapter 1 of the story. Then, use the provided template to create a PowerPoint presentation of 5–6 slides (include speaker notes) that addresses the following: Who are the 6 characters present in this passage? What can you tell about them based on their names alone? Does the author reveal any other details about these characters? Based on the details the author provides, what did you learn about the Canterville Chase? Does this sound like a place you have ever visited? Why or why not? Notice the language. Do you think this story takes place in a modern time? Why or why not? Who is telling the story? What is the point of view of the narrator? Based on this passage, are you interested in reading more of this story? Why or why not?

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