International Investment Report
The paper for this course is a written International Investment Report and a Summary Presentation. Your company wants you to research a possible investment in a foreign country. You may choose an industry and a country. You will need to pick a company within the industry of your choice. This can be an existing real company (e.g. Harley Davidson). However, the company should not have a current presence in your country of choice. For example, if Harley Davidson currently is operating in India, you may not enter into Indian market, but you can enter into Mongolian market, where there is no Harley presence.You can also pick a fictitious company made up by you.You must evaluate the industry and country of investment to determine if the current circumstances in the specified country can support a business of your type. Country evaluation should focus on economic, financial, and political risk of the country. Industry structure analysis would look at the regulatory structure as well as the competition in the target country. Issues such as privatization, identification of major competitors and overall strategy for entering the country should be discussed. Depending on industry, you should pick the right entry strategy. You must define the scenario.The final recommendation would be whether or not to enter the specific country in the designated sector and what should be your entry strategy. The goal of the project is to analyze the prospects for expanding your company into the foreign country.
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