Interview three (3) individuals of your choosing, using the set of…

Interview three (3) individuals of your choosing, using the set of…

Interview three (3) individuals of your choosing, using the set of…

Interview three (3) individuals of your choosing, using the set of questions you created.mustAgeRaceEthnicity

  • Your questions  include:
  1. Gender
  2. Where the subject grew up
  3. What is “old” to you? How do you know when you are old?
  4. How do you feel about old people? Why?
  5. Name two different ways that you were brought up that you think are different from most other people. For example, you may say you were raised on a farm or your father was in the military.
  6. Were you part of a social, religious, or other type of group growing up?
  7. Who were your role models when you were growing up? How did they influence you?

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