Italian and the Northern Renaissance
As we look at the Renaissance you can see an evolution of style between the Early, High, and Late periods. You can also see a difference between the Italian and the Northern Renaissance. The Northern Renaissance artists are favorites of mine, for many reasons. I have chosen three different paintings: Two from the Italian Renaissance, one by Raphael and one by Botticelli. The third one is from the Northern Renaissance by Jan van Eyck. Take a look at all three. Compare one against the other. Tell me the differences you see! What do they each convey? How are they different? Do you get the same feeling from all? Which is your favorite and why? Remember to answer in your own words not a regurgitation from a book or source. I want your feelings and views not those of others. Question will open on Sunday morning at 8:00 am and close Saturday evening at 11:00 pm as this is the last week of class In order they are: Jan van Eyck, Raphael, Botticelli
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