Journal One: Identifying Conflicts From Other Sources

For your first journal entry, you are required to explore the different types of conflict that are found not only in literature, but in everyday life. Be sure to read each type of conflict thoroughly to get a firm understanding of them since you will be analyzing these conflicts throughout the next five weeks.

In your journal
Describe where you see each of the five conflicts in everyday life (e.g., in social media, music, literature, or online learning). How does conflict appear in two or three of the various venues mentioned above? Identify what types of conflict you saw in one of this week’s reading assignments. Give specific examples as support for each conflict you identified. Explain why these conflicts are important and how they create meaning. What meaning(s) do they create? Proofread your work for errors in grammar, mechanics, and style. Format the journal entry according to APA style
Provide (to the best of your ability) a reference for the text you used, including in-text citations and references listed at the end of the journal entry.


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