Juvenile Prostitution

Assignment Guidelines:
1. Your research paper must:
a) describe the topic area—i.e., recent trends, demographic statistics, and epidemiological data, if
available—and state why this topic is important;
b) apply a developmental perspective and make a clear link to human behavior theory for the
particular life stage being addressed;
c) summarize current scholarship from peer-reviewed journals and scholarly texts;
d) outline implications for social work practice—macro, clinical, or both—including relevant field or
professional work experience (see description below); and
e) include a resource sheet with your paper (see details below).
2. The number of references for this paper is unlimited. That is, you need to have a sufficient number to
substantiate the claims you make in your paper and demonstrate that you have a command of the
literature. An estimated range of references for this assignment is 15 to 25.
3. This paper is 3,000 words (not including references). Criteria for grading will also include clarity,
organization of content, effectiveness of communication (clarity, grammar, vocabulary, punctuation,
and presentation), the use of relevant literature, and adherence to APA (6th) standards.
Recommended Readings
 Feldman, R. S. & Landry, O. Discovering the lifespan. (Canadian Ed.). Toronto: Pearson, 2014.
 Anderson, K. Life stages and Native women: Memory, teachings, and story medicine. Winnipeg:
University of Manitoba Press, 2011.
 Wagamese, R. (2012). Indian Horse. Madeira Park, BC: Douglas & McIntyre Ltd.
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