Key character analysis


 Write an analysis of a key character in a literary work. Describe two to three key actions of the character, or how the character responds to
events. What do the actions reveal about the character? Do the character’s actions fit together, or do they contradict each other? If they contradict, what does that contradiction say about the character’s emotional and mental capacity? Analyze the character’s psychological background. Why does the character act in the way he/she does? How does the author’s characterization in the text reflect this psychological background? Literary Works (choose one from either of the lists below): Stories:
“ Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been ” (Oates, 1966)

“ Interpreter of Maladies ” (Lahiri, 1999) “ Sonny’s Blues ” (Baldwin, 1957)

“ Sweat ” (Hurston, 1926) 

  Must be four to five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style Must include a separate title page with the following:Title of paperStudent’s nameCourse name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submittedMust utilize quotes and/or paraphrases. Must use one or two primary sources and two secondary scholarly sources.Must document all sources in APA style Must include a separate references page

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