KIN 1601 Nutrition and Diet Report

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KIN 1601 Nutrition and Diet Report

• Part 1: Evaluate the nutrient content of foods that you may commonly eat. You will also create a budgeted one day meal plan that follows the recommendations of Canada’s Food Guide

• Part 2: Choose an advertisement from the internet for a NUTRITION-based product that makes a health claim. Using the criteria for evaluating nutrition information for its credibility that was discussed in class, critique the material and decide whether it represents credible or questionable nutrition information.

Policy for Late Assignments:
• Assignments are due at 6pm on the due date
• 10% of total marks will be deducted for each day that the assignment is late (10% for the first day late, 20% for 2 days late, 30% for 3 days late, etc.). No assignments accepted after 5 days
You will use APA version 7 student paper style for this course. Find details here:
Examples of formatting details to be aware of:
• Times New Roman 12 pt.
• 1 inch margins on all sides
• Numbered pages, double spaced, correct paragraph spacing, indentations, etc
• Title page must follow APA formatting. Please include your name, student number, course number and section number, the date, and instructor’s name.
• 8 Marks will also be devoted for structure and style: quality of writing, spelling, grammar, title page, citations, and referencing. Proof read!
Submit your assignment to the nexus dropbox by 6pm. File format should be a word document. Do not submit a PDF – you will lose marks. Late assignments will be penalized. Technical issues are NOT an acceptable excuse. 6:01 is late and you will lose marks
This is an individual assignment. Do not do this with someone – that is considered cheating and academic misconduct. All work must be original to this section.

Part 1: Evaluating Nutrient Content of Foods

This portion of the assignment does not need any in-text citations or references. You must show all of your work and include all pertinent information that you used to obtain your answers. Charts are good but you must use full sentences and grammatical structure.
(a) Compare the Nutrition Facts table on a “healthy” breakfast cereal and an “unhealthy” breakfast cereal. Include a screen shot of the cereals and the Nutrition Facts table for each in your assignment. Remember to check the serving sizes of the cereals, they need to be within 2 grams per serving for your comparison (not volume). (5 marks)
– Before you compare, state which cereal you think is healthy and unhealthy, and why
– Explain:
a) How the total kCalories compare to each other
b) How the total carbohydrate, sugar, and fibre content compare from one cereal to the other
c) Any differences and similarities between the vitamin and mineral content of each cereal.
d) Conclude with a statement about whether you think your initial assessment of healthy and unhealthy is correct. What do you think now?

KIN 1601 Nutrition and Diet Report

KIN 1601 Nutrition and Diet Report

– Be clear in your comparisons.

(b) Create a one-day meal plan for yourself that meets the following conditions. (10 marks)
– Includes 3 meals and 2 snacks, plus beverages

Meal/beverage Food Items Price calculations Total



1 egg

1 piece of toast

Green tea

12 eggs @ $4/doz. 4/12 = $0.33 per egg


– List and price all food items from each meal for the day

– In a separate paragraph, explain how the foods you chose for your meal plan meets the “Healthy Food Choices” recommendations of Canada’s Food Guide. If it does not meet the recommendations, you will lose marks.

– Maximum total cost of $15. Show your calculations including the total. Cost only the portions you used, use online stores to get prices. If you used one slice of bread, show how you calculated the cost of one slice out of a full loaf. Do not show just the one slice cost.
– Do not include restaurant or fast food
– Use food that is readily available at a local grocery or convenience store
– You do not have to actually buy the food and make the meals.
(c) Identify and analyse 2 of your favourite packaged snack foods (not beverages) (10 marks). If you do not consume packaged snack foods, simply choose two you have heard of.
– State the energy, fat, and carbohydrate content in the suggested serving from the nutrition facts panel.
– Estimate and state your usual serving size that you eat and how often you eat those snacks.
– State and calculate the energy, fat, and carbohydrates these snacks contribute to your intake in one year.

Part 2: Evaluating Nutrition Information:
Prepare a 1-2 page short report addressing the following points, in full sentence form. Answer each question separately using the letter as the beginning of each section.
(a) Pick a website that has a NUTRITION-based product that makes a health claim. The product in question should be consumed (ie. supplement, drink, pill etc.). Include a screenshot of the chosen product with your assignment. Copy the claim to your page. If the webpage is large and/or you make reference to a number of sections of a website, you may screen capture the specific parts that you are discussing and paste them into a word document. (1 mark).

(b) Where was the article published? State the URL and date it was accessed in your report. (2 marks)

(c) Describe the claim being made. (2 marks)

(d) Describe 5 attributes of the claim that make it credible information or misinformation using the points discussed in class/textbook on assessing credible information. You must pick a side. (all 5 attributes have to argue for or against, not a blend). Do not list more than 5. Only the first five will be marked. (10 marks)

(e) Overall, based on the above attributes, what is your final verdict on the credibility of this information? Is it credible nutrition information, or misinformation? (2 marks)
Use the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA style) for in-text citations and referencing. (An in-text citation and reference for class notes and your advertisement, promotional material, or news article should be included for part 2). Add your reference page at the end of part 2.


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