Lab: GUI interface to DB2 Database Lab Overview –..

Lab: GUI interface to DB2 Database Lab Overview –..

Lab: GUI interface to DB2 Database Lab Overview –..

Lab: GUI interface to DB2 Database



Lab Overview – Scenario/Summary:


You have been asked to design a front-end application that accesses a DB2 backend database.


Upon completion of this lab, students would have a better understanding of how to design a GUI front-end application that interacts with a DB2 database using SQL.




Lab Steps
Step #1 Design a GUI
Step #2 Explain your GUI Design
Step #3 Design Connectivity


Lab Steps:

Step 1:  Design a GUI
  • Using Word, PowerPoint, or any drawing-capable application of your choice, construct a rough prototype of a GUI application that can be used to maintain the Student table that we have been using throughout the course. This application should permit the user to enter, update, and delete student records. It should also allow for the user to search for specific records. For the sake of simplicity, limit your GUI to a single screen. Neatness counts, but don’t worry about colors and other cosmetic adornments that do not functionally impact the GUI.
  • However you construct your prototype, you must paste an image of it into a Word document for submission. This should eliminate any software compatibility issues between you and the instructor who will review your work.


Step 2: Explain Your GUI Design
  • Explain any aspects of your GUI design that are not adequately captured by your diagram. For example, you might want to discuss tab order here.
  • Discuss which attributes of the Student table can be edited through your GUI and which, if any, cannot. Explain the reasons for these choices. (Hint: You should consider the requirements of referential integrity and the intent of auditing fields when constructing your answer.)
  • You should not need more than a page or so to do this part of the assignment as completely as is expected.


Step 3: Design Connectivity
  • Explain how your application will connect to the database that holds the Student table, and why you chose this approach.
  • You should not need more than a paragraph or two to do this part of the assignment as completely as is expected.




For Submission into the Week 7 iLab Dropbox:

Zipped file containing:

  • GUI prototype diagram
  • Narrative answers to parts 2 and 3


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