Leadership MC Questions


1. Argued that the major activities of management and leadership are played out differently; but both are essential to an organization:





2. The team leadership model puts who or what in the driver’s seat of team effectiveness?



Satisfying needs


3. Leadership focuses on the ________.

downward influence of a leader on his or her followers

importance of lateral and upward influence patterns

ways to increase a leader’s following

elimination of dependency in relationships

4. Although there are clear differences between management and leadership,

There is little research to support one or the other.

Leadership is more valued than management.

Management is more valued than leadership.

The two constructs overlap

5.  According to research, one way women can advance in leadership is

By blending individualized consideration with inspirational motivation.

By leading in a more democratic manner than men.

By acting masculine and assertive, and not in feminine ways.

By strongly resisting stereotype threats.

6. Which of the following leadership theories expects the leader to continually be concerned about subordinate motivation?

Leader-member exchange theory

Situational leadership theory

Path-goal theory

Contingency theory

7. If your superior tells you that she will offer you a raise provided you perform additional work beyond the requirements of your job, he/she is exercising ________ power.





8. How does servant leadership differ from path-goal theory?

Focuses on the behaviors leaders should exhibit to put followers first.

Is unconcerned with the way leaders should treat followers.

Focuses on the need for leaders to perfect themselves before helping others.

Makes the need for task completion necessary before relationships can thrive.

9. Which best describes the reason situational leadership is so practical for managers to use?

Its specific nature

Assist in relating demographics to leadership

Its straightforward nature

It is only applicable to lower-level managers

10. During a speech given by your department director, he repeatedly emphasizes the importance of reaching goals set by the organization. He then goes on to lay out the framework to accomplish the goals. According to contingency theory, which best describes your director?

High LPC score

Relationship motivated

Task motivated

Position power

11. The following traits are associated with charismatic leadership:

Self-monitoring, impression management

Physical attractiveness, height

Desire for power, desire to help others

Intelligence, self-confidence

12. Of the bases of power, research indicates that ________ power is most effective.





13. What type of power did Bill Gates have when he and Paul Allen started Microsoft?





14. The Ohio State studies considered the behaviors of consideration and initiating structure as:

High value and low value


Distinct and independent

Cause and effect

15. Liz is a team leader at a local grocery store. Recently, her boss said that she needs to address the negative attitudes of employees. To try and fix this problem, she has begun awarding gift-cards to employees who have great attitudes. What internal leadership intervention is Liz addressing?

Managing conflict

Satisfying needs

Goal focusing

Facilitating decisions

16. Contingency theory is concerned with ______ and _______.

Styles; situations

Leadership; situations

Traits; situations

Leaders; followers

17. Questionnaires on situational leadership often ask for respondents to look at specific applications of leadership styles within situations, which may result in:

Negative perceptions toward the organizations

Biased results in favor of situational leadership

Results that are not in favor of situational leadership

Wide range of responses that are hard to validate

18. Critical factors for developing a cultural based leadership development program may include:

Focuses on all levels of an organization from the individual to the wider organization, gathers ethnographic data, and looks at many aspects of cultures.

Starts the evaluation at the assessment phase, gathers formal data, and focuses on the language of the participants.

There are no critical factors. Leaders should be sent to various countries and allowed to learn that way.

Focuses on the organization as a whole rather than the individual, demographic information, and formal data gathering.

19. Critical life events affect authentic leadership because

They act as a catalyst for change.

They are a common occurrence.

They reinforce patterned behaviors.

They influence a multitude of people.

20. Your parents and older siblings are all successful elected officials. After graduation, it is suggested by many that you should seek office and, in turn, offer you their support. Which best describes the leadership approach being demonstrated?

Leadership as a process

Expert power

Trait perspective

Style approach to leadership

21. To create change, transformational leaders______________.

Value out-group member’s opinions.

Focus on the task at hand.

Leave followers to work on their own.

Become strong role models for their followers.

22. Your boss listens to employees personal problems and tries to create a positive work environment by being agreeable, eager to help, comforting, and uncontroversial. This is an example of:

Middle-of-the-road management

Authority-compliance management

Team management

Country-club management

23. Mary has managed the mailroom for 2 years. Management views Mary as a person with special leadership talent, such as intelligence, sociability, and determination. What approach is management using in assessing Mary?

Trait approach

Styles approach

Managerial grid approach

Attribution approach

24. Which type of leadership is most similar to transformational leadership?





25. In the skills model, which of these is a general cognitive ability?

Problem-solving skills



Information processing

26. In which way are leadership and power often approached?

From the perspective of the follower

As a form of coercion

As positional power

As a relational concern for both leaders and followers

27. The leader is at the core of group change and activity, representing the backbone of the group or organization. Leadership is viewed as:

Focus of group processes

Leadership as a behavior

Leadership as an act

Personality perspective

28. Subordinates who have strong needs for affiliation prefer which type of leadership behavior?


Achievement oriented



29. Of the Big Five personality factors, which is the most strongly associated with leadership?

Social status


Emotional intelligence


30. Considering a cultural approach to leadership, leadership should be conceptualized as:

An ability or skill

A relationship between a leader and a follower

A set of behaviors

A dynamic social process

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