**Legal Research writing assignment** Write a 1-2 page,…

**Legal Research writing assignment** Write a 1-2 page,…

**Legal Research writing assignment** Write a 1-2 page,…

*Legal Research writing assignment**

Write a 1-2 page, double-spaced, 12-point font paper with APA format/citing or legal citing on the subject listed below. Apply the the information from this week’s reading preparation.  Go in depth and explain your findings, application, and results.

TOPIC: Explain how important writing is to the legal field. Why is it important, how can it affect the outcome or results of a case and how can we improve legal writing in the future?

  • I just need one page
  • Please make sure a source or sources are used and also please make sure it is something I have access to such as a website
  • I have attached 2 pdf documents with information – the one titled Osbeck could be used as a source.
  • Also please use citation

Thank you in advance. Please ask me any questions.

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