LIT2000 Module 7 discussion

Module 7 Discussion: Poets and Images of Family

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All three poets in this module created poems about family; some of the images are very positive, like Ortiz’s father, and some of the images are ambiguous or negative, like Rich’s Aunt Jennifer or Roethke’s “Papa.”  Take one of the poems and explore the image of the parent or aunt and connect to an image of your parent or relative.  How does the poet create a relationship that moves the reader (either for good or ill)?  Is this image similar to your parent/relative?  How so?  You might want to include the importance of the parental figure in forming our youthful ideas about life and culture.   Guidelines

Your initial response should be around 250 words. Your response to a classmates’ discussion should be around 100 words and add to the discussion (i.e. posing questions, reflecting on their response, etc.). All posts and responses should contain proper grammar, be free of spelling errors, be substantial, and reflect critical thinking.

Remember: Be supportive, considerate, and constructive when replying to your classmates.

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