literature summary

Assessment 1: individual oral presentation on literature

Duration: 5 minutes + leading class discussion

Allocation: 15% (5% Peer & 10% Facilitator) Due: In class in allocated week 3-6

The purpose of this assessment is to evaluate your comprehension of the article and your communication and presentation skills. Students will allocate themselves to a presentation in weeks 3-6. 


The oral presentation on the literature is designed to provide an opportunity for students to engage in critical reading and analysis and to consider the practical application of the theories and concepts covered within the unit. This assignment is to be completed individually. A one-page summary addressing the questions (not just summarising the readings) must be provided to the other students in the reading group and the facilitator. (see seminar teaching schedule for reading guide and questions for presentations and readings on Webct).


Following presentations to the reading group, all students who presented in that week jointly lead a class discussion about the readings and ideas presented. Contribution and participation in this session is peer &facilitator assessed and is worth 5 marks.


Students will be required to submit their written summary on readings to Turnitin, for the purpose of plagiarism detection and online marking.Note no mark will be awarded for this assessment unless Turnitin submission is completed with evidence of a satisfactory rating (20% or less and subject to correct referencing and all sources readings, internet sources cited in text and in bibliography). Students are responsible to edit and resubmit the presentation until an acceptable originality rating is achieved on Turnitin. Work may be required to be resubmitted if referencing is incomplete, any resubmitted assessment can only receive a maximum of 50% of the total mark. Further information will be provided on Webct and in class.



Written summary marked by facilitator 10%


Demonstrate understanding of key issues


Justify your view- rationalisation of the reading


Answer questions


Clearly written, grammatically correct, referencing




Presenter 1: Discuss – Banjeree (2006), do changes in technology improve workers employment conditions? Does the knowledge economy workforce differ from the manufacturing sector? Are employment conditions subject to differences country locations? Discuss how this article informs your thinking about trends in work and work conditions.


Presenter 2: Discuss – van de Broek (2002), can technology be used to assist managers to measure work output and monitor workers and if so what implications does this have for trends in work? Discuss call centre work in relation to key issues about workers in the knowledge economy and management innovations.

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