M3 Individual Literature Review Worksheet
In patients with central lines, what is the effectiveness of daily chlorhexidine bath compared to weekly or as needed dressing changes to reduce infection?Formulate a research question that you would like answered for your Literature Review Paper.Conduct a literature search for your research question using the Individual Literature Search Worksheet Preview the documentprovided. Document your systematic search on the form, covering all steps listed belowSTEP 1: Think About the Best Way to SearchSTEP 2: Plan Your First SearchSTEP 3: Begin Your SearchSTEP 4: Refine Your SearchSTEP 5: Refine Your Search AgainSTEP 6: Search another DatabaseSTEP 7: ReflectionSubmit your detailed literature review worksheet.Remember: Read through the articles carefully. Eliminate those not appropriate. It is suggested that you create a summary table. There is an example in the course text to help you organize your thoughts. Synthesize twelve or more full text research articles, beyond your textbooks, that are relevant to your research. Summarize what the studies reveal about your selected topic. Are there consistencies? Are there inconsistencies or “gaps?” Be sure to keep the table of information you developed and the twelve or more articles as you build on the course assignments. The table itself will not be part of the content in your paper; it may be included as Appendix A.
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