management and administration of health care systems W2A1

Continuous quality improvement (CQI) refers to the process of continually assessing and adjusting a program or service components to address problems or enhance results. The CQI process is dynamic and ongoing, guided by input or feedback from individuals receiving the services. Additionally, buy-in and support from the staff, particularly staff responsible for implementing program changes, are critical to an agency’s CQI efforts. Selecting the right individual to lead an agency’s CQI efforts is important if these criteria are to be achieved.

Based on your research, respond to the following discussion points in relation to CQI activities:


Describe the ideal traits or characteristics of the person or team who would spearhead the CQI process.


Examine how CQI leaders can garner support and buy-in from staff responsible for CQI activities.

Please answer this two question in depth on ONE PAGE PLEASE if possible


cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

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