Managerial Accounting

Managerial Accounting

T&J manufacturing has a factory that produces custom kitchen cabinets. It has multiple product lines.

Materials and labor for the cabinets are determined by each job. To simplify the assignment, we will assume the following average costs.

The materials include $1,000 for the wood and other direct materials of $200. Both items listed are on a per job basis. It requires 20 hours of labor on average for a custom kitchen. The hourly rate is $10.

The sales price will be set at a markup of 65%.

The company estimates that it will have 16,000 direct labor hours in total for all product lines.

It assumes 800 units are sold on average per year. A breakdown of estimated yearly costs related to the kitchen cabinets follows:


Salaries-   office & administrative

$ 520,000


Salaries for factory personal:

$ 220,000


Office   Rent

$ 125,000


Factory Rent

$ 20,000


Office   Utilities and Misc office expenses(based on units sold)

$ 20,000


Sales   Travel(based on units sold)

$ 24,000


Insurance   – office

$ 12,000


Depreciation – office equipment

$ 40,000


Depreciation for factory equipment

$ 70,000



$ 20,000


Sales   commissions(based on units sold)

$ 45,000


Factory Property taxes:

$ 10,000


Maintenance for factory equipment:

$ 80,000

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