MATH 2 CTUO Radical Expressions & Exponential Expression Questionnaire

MATH 2 CTUO Radical Expressions & Exponential Expression Questionnaire

MATH 2 CTUO Radical Expressions & Exponential Expression Questionnaire


Math 2 1.1.1 Day 1 Practice Name: _____________________________ What is the relationship between a power and a root? What is the base? What is the exponent? Example: Be able to identify a Radical Expression, Exponential Equation, or an Exponential Expression. Why? Why? Why? Rewrite each exponential expression as a radical expression. Do not evaluate. 1. 2. 3. Rewrite each radical expression as an exponential expression. Do not evaluate. 4. 5. Evaluate each expression. 6. 7.
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Math 2
1.1.1 Day 1 Practice Name: _____________________________
What is the relationship between a power and a root?
What is the base? What is the exponent?
Be able to identify a Radical Expression, Exponential Equation, or an Exponential
Why? Why? Why?
Rewrite each exponential expression as a radical expression. Do not evaluate.
Rewrite each radical expression as an exponential expression. Do not evaluate.
Evaluate each expression.

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