MDC Ethics of the Natural & Social Environment Illegal Immigration Essay
MDC Ethics of the Natural & Social Environment Illegal Immigration Essay
Ethics of the Natural & Social Environment Illegal Immigration Essay
Question Description
Topics for your Essay, Choose one
Topic 1:
Respond to The Moral Dilemma of Climate Change at the top of page 440. Should we pay now to try and rein in global warming and its awful effects, or should we let our kids pay? Do we have moral obligations to future generations, to people who don’t yet exist? If we do have obligations to them, how much should we sacrifice now to do our duty?
Topic 2:
Explain and defend your views on the following: Is there anything wrong in offering unauthorized immigrants “a path to citizenship”? Should children brought into a country illegally ever be deported?
Topic 3:
Respond to Singer or Hardin at the top of page 829. What would be the proper moral response of rich nations to this impending tragedy? Do you favor Garrett Hardin’s approach in which rich countries would not send food aid? Or Peter Singer’s path in which affluent individuals would be obligated to give much of their wealth to feed the hungry? Or a middle way in which the rich would have a duty to give some aid but would also have obligations to themselves and to their family and friends? Explain your view.
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