Medieval Historiography
GUIDANCE ON ANALYSING A GOBBET: Question 1 is asking you to comment on two of the four excerpts according to your preferences. You will be asked to comment on a number of extracts from primary sources. This means that you must fully contextualise the extract in question, analysing and evaluating it as far as is appropriate and relevant. A good answer will always consider the following: 1. The “What is a Gobbet” in the files will help you further understand the method of Question 1. If you know how Gobbet works then ignore it. 2.issues of authorship, of dating and of the intended/actual readership/employment of the document from which the extract has been taken. 3. the context in which and for which this document was produced. 4. the language and terminology used in the extract itself, taking particular care to explain the significance of any key names, dates, places, events or other important aspects of the content of the extract. 5. the wider implications of what the extract reveals, including evaluation of the broader historical, methodological and historiographical problems to which the extract relates. 6. You are not required to footnote answers or provide a bibliography, but You are encouraged to refer to sources in your text. About the essay question: 1. Please follow the general writing structure of ‘Introduction, Body Arguments and Conclusion’. 2. Please do not use terms such as “my” or “your” in the text. 3. You are also not required to footnote answers or provide a bibliography, but You are encouraged to refer to sources in your text. In addition, when you divide the number of words in two questions, I wish it to be half and half. Thanks a lot.
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