Mentally Challenged Patient Assessment & Treatment Plan Case Study

Assessment Plan

Mary is a 15-year-old female who is developmentally delayed.She will be attending 9th grade at Manchester High

School next school year. Curriculum/Learning: Mary will be in ESE academic classes for Social Studies, Science,

Mathematics, and Language Arts. She will be mainstreamed for reading. Mary is a very independent outgoing

young lady, especially with adults. She is independent around the school campus. She is now socializing with

students in the classroom without teacher prompting.

In math, Mary works independently when she understands a concept well. Mary does well on concepts

presented orally or on the computer at her ability level. She does not have the same confidence when she applies

the same concepts using her text. Mary is able to use a calculator to add and subtract “money amounts” to find

the total purchase or change of a purchase. Mary is still inconsistent counting out money amounts using coins

and bills ($5/$1 and $10/$1) independently. She can do it about 40% of the time when working one-on-one with a

teacher. Mary works well independently on the computer without prompting. Mary has mastered selected

concepts at the 1st grade level in the areas of place value, geometry, fractions, and measurement.

Mary continues to have difficulty in writing sentences in paragraph form. She has improved in writing sentences

on the line and within the margins and spacing. Mary will continue writing sentences in a paragraph form by

using pictures and a word bank. Mary took the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) and scored the following:

Language Arts 2.2,

Computation Math 0.7.

Applied Math 2.0 and

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