Metropolitan State University of Denver Mono No Aware Early Japan Religion Discussion
Metropolitan State University of Denver Mono No Aware Early Japan Religion Discussion
No Aware Early Japan Religion
Question Description
hello, i need help answering this discussion post. a simple one page double spaced response would suffice.
“1. Based on our brief discussion on Tuesday, how do you understand the concepts of wabi-sabi, of yūgen, and of mono no aware? How do these feelings relate to the topics we have covered this semester (both Buddhist and Shintō)?
2. Get your cell phone. Go outside (or look around your house). Based on your understanding of wabi-sabi, take a picture, and post it along with your reflection. There is no need for any commentary on the picture, but it might be worthwhile to ask yourself what you think is “wabi-sabi” about the image you have captured.”
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