Question 1
A research group in Arizona recently conducted a survey among workers of a coal power plant to understand emotions and their happiness quotient. Employees at the plant often complained about poor working conditions and low insurance benefits. However, the group was surprised with the finding of the survey because employees had a positive mood 70 percent of the time during work hours. Which of the following concepts would best explain such a finding?
A. anchoring bias
B. framing effect
C. distinction bias
D. positivity offset
E. butterfly effect
Question 2
Johanna Godfrey works as a guest relations executive at a five star deluxe hotel in Washington. During the course of her job, she needs to greet and smile at guests irrespective of her state of mind. In addition, when any guest faces problems, she needs to be calm and composed and help resolve issues. This shows that Johanna’s job requires ________.
A. self-concordance
B. emotional labor
C. cognitive dissonance
D. social loafing
E. positivity offset
Question 3
Which of the following statements is true regarding surface acting?
A. It involves forgoing emotional expressions in response to display rules.
B. It involves displaying one’s true feelings explicitly toward a person.
C. It deals with expressing felt emotions toward a person or event.
D. It involves changing one’s likes and dislikes to be in sync with display rules.
E. It involves trying to modify our true inner feelings based on display rules.
Question 4
________ refers to the tendency of people to associate two events when in reality there is no connection.
A. Focusing effect
B. Affect intensity
C. Illusory correlation
D. Distinction bias
E. Omission bias
Question 5
Carlos is upset because his boss gave him work to finish over the weekend. It is Friday. Which of the following is most likely to help Carlos lift his spirits?
A. watching TV with his friends
B. going to a party with his friends
C. attending a training session
D. playing a video game at home
E. attending a meeting
Question 6
________ refers to feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and that lack a contextual stimulus.
A. Thought
B. Affect
C. Reaction
D. Cognition
E. Mood
Question 7
Tiffany Crowe works as a showroom executive at a clothing boutique in London. Today, she is in a positive mood and instantly greets and smiles at a customer who walks into the store. The customer feels welcomed by her response. While browsing the store, Crowe helps the customer with products and passes on her positive mood to the customer. The customer leaves the store feeling content with a smile on her face. Which of the following best describes this situation?
A. bandwagon effect
B. emotional contagion
C. framing effect
D. cognitive dissonance
E. positivity offset
Question 8
Jane Hastings recently joined her first job as a communication executive and is working on creating press releases for an upcoming campaign. The campaign is getting launched publicly in the next week and Hastings will need to interact with the media and give sound bytes on the issue. This is the first time she will be interacting with the press and she is experiencing emotions of anxiousness, nervousness, and stress. Which of the following mood dimensions is she experiencing?
A. low positive affect
B. low negative affect
C. neutral affect
D. high negative affect
E. high positive affect
Question 9
Gerard Yoder believes that every time he picks up his daughter, Penny, from school, it brings him good luck. The last time he picked her up from school, he won a lottery ticket. Today, after he received her from school, he reached his office and found out that he has been promoted. Which of the following concepts best describes Yoder’s belief?
A. positive bias
B. bandwagon effect
C. illusory superiority
D. affect intensity
E. illusory correlation
Question 10
The findings of a recent company survey at Rader Industries showed that employees are experiencing high levels of work stress. To offset this, a manager suggests instituting a leave policy whereby employees must go on a mandatory vacation for 7 days in the year. Under which of the following conditions, if true, would the manager’s suggestion most likely be accepted?
A. The company halted its hiring plans for the year in order to focus on developing talent in-house.
B. The company promotes work-life balance, by offering employees flexible working arrangements.
C. The company recently acquired a new client and work volumes are expected to increase.
D. The company has a “use it or lose it” policy whereby unused leave lapses at the end of every year.
E. The company allows employees to encash their unused leave at the end of every year.
Question 11
Which of the following is an argument used against emotional intelligence?
A. It does not have the capacity to predict criteria that matter.
B. It can be learned by experience.
C. It cannot be measured easily and measures of EI are diverse.
D. It is not genetically influenced and thus is void of an underlying biological factor.
E. It is not closely related to intelligence and personality.
Question 12
Which of the following is a characteristic of emotions?
A. Emotions are reactions to a person or event.
B. Emotions involve less intense feelings than moods.
C. Emotions lack a contextual stimulus.
D. Emotions are never action-oriented in nature.
E. Emotions last for a longer time period than moods.
Question 13
Amber and Emma were recently hired by a marketing agency. Though there is a lot of work that has been allotted to both of them, Amber is always in a good mood. Emma, on the other hand, appears to be depressed with her job. In such a situation, as compared to Emma, Amber is more likely to ________.
A. take an extended time at processing information
B. weigh all possible options rather than the most likely ones
C. have poor problem-solving skills
D. make poorer decisions
E. find better solutions to problems
Question 14
Which of the following is an example of deviant workplace behavior?
A. putting forward one’s views in a brainstorming session
B. working during the weekend to make up for backlog
C. taking blame for not achieving a deadline
D. sabotaging one’s organization’s computers
E. requesting a two-day leave during Christmas
Question 15
________ refers to individual differences in strength with which individuals experience their emotions.
A. Affect intensity
B. Ambiguity effect
C. Positivity offset
D. Hawthorne effect
E. Intelligence quotient
Question 16
Which of the following terms refers to the practice of hiding inner feelings and forgoing emotional expressions in response to display rules?
A. surface acting
B. anchoring bias
C. bandwagon effect
D. framing effect
E. active camouflage
Question 17
Jonathan Cowan is upset because he was passed over for a promotion he had really worked hard for. In response to his anger toward the manager and the company, he has started gossiping about the manager with his colleagues and assigning blame on him unnecessarily. Jonathan’s behavior is an example of ________.
A. cognitive dissonance
B. emotional dissonance
C. positivity offset
D. deviant workplace behavior
E. distinction bias
Question 18
________ refers to inconsistencies between the emotions people feel and the emotions they project.
A. Positivity offset
B. Social loafing
C. Emotional dissonance
D. Self-concordance
E. Collective efficacy
Question 19
Green Earth, an environmental organization in Oklahoma, recently recruited Phyllis Galvan as a project coordinator. Galvan’s manager has noticed that ever since she has joined, she has been extremely positive about her work and takes up challenges without complaining. In addition, she maintains a positive ambience by helping out colleagues and smiling at everyone she interacts with. Her behavior has had a positive effect on her colleagues who have started behaving in a similar manner now. Which of the following concepts is demonstrated in this example?
A. anchoring effect
B. unit bias
C. emotional dissonance
D. emotional contagion
E. Ben Franklin effect
Question 20
Dawn Wang heads an ad agency in Texas and regularly needs to work with copywriters, artists, and designers to come up with effective branding solutions for products. For one of the company’s esteemed clients, Wang and her team need to brainstorm ideas for a slogan for the client’s new line of clothing. In such a situation, why is it particularly important for Wang to keep her team happy?
A. People tend to weigh all options to make less likely decisions when in a good mood.
B. People are more creative and produce more ideas when they are in a good mood.
C. People take a long time at processing information when they are in a good mood.
D. People tend to make decisions quickly when they are in a good mood.
E. People are less likely to use rules of thumb when they are in a good mood.
Question 21
Which of the following is true about emotions?
A. They are experienced over several days or months.
B. They are less fleeting than moods.
C. They are less intense than moods.
D. They are critical to rational thinking.
E. They are never caused by specific events.
Question 22
Emotions such as relaxation, serenity, and calmness comprise the ________ mood dimension.
A. neutral affect
B. high positive affect
C. low negative affect
D. low positive affect
E. high negative affect
Question 23
For which of the following jobs is it most likely to be important to hire employees with high emotional intelligence?
A. jobs which require the ability to work independently
B. jobs which need strong technical skills
C. jobs which require good critical thinking skills
D. jobs which require customer service skills
E. jobs which require good writing skills
Question 24
Which of the following mood dimensions is a pure marker of high negative affect?
A. depression
B. fatigue
C. relaxation
D. nervousness
E. boredom
Question 25
Sally works as a customer care executive at a telecom office in Ohio. She often needs to interact with a regular customer and she finds him extremely annoying. However, because of the nature of her work, she conceals her emotions well and politely talks to him and clarifies all his questions. Which of the following is being experienced by Sally?
A. positivity offset
B. positive affect
C. emotional selection
D. emotional dissonance
E. illusory correlation
Question 26
On which day of the week does the positive effect tend to be highest?
A. Wednesdays
B. Tuesdays
C. Saturdays
D. Sundays
E. Mondays
Question 27
Which of the following is an example of an uplifting event according to the affective events theory?
A. being passed off for a promotion
B. meeting a project milestone
C. colleagues refusing to carry their share of work
D. receiving a gift from a colleague on a birthday
E. receiving conflicting directions from different managers
Question 28
Alejandro is constantly annoying people in the office. He speaks his mind freely without taking into consideration how it will affect others, doesn’t try to smile when he’s in a bad mood, and can’t understand why other people are upset with him. Alejandro’s inability to be self-aware indicates that he has a very low ________.
A. cognitive intelligence
B. job satisfaction
C. negative affect
D. self-esteem
E. emotional intelligence
Question 29
Which of the following terms best describes an intense feeling directed at someone or something?
A. mood
B. cognition
C. emotion
D. reasoning
E. perception
Question 30
Which of the following emotions did philosopher René Descartes identify as one of the six emotions which he called simple and primitive passions?
A. anticipation
B. persuasion
C. wonder
D. confidence
E. encouragement
Question 31
Which of the following famous philosophers identified six emotions which he called “simple and primitive passions” and argued that all the others are composed of some of these six or are species of them?
A. René Descartes
B. Paul Churchland
C. John Locke
D. George Berkeley
E. David Hume
Question 32
Which of the following is true according to the affective events theory?
A. Employees who experience emotional dissonance at work can only be motivated with the help of money.
B. Employees scoring high on the personality trait of extraversion tend to be more successful at the workplace.
C. Emotions of an employee are independent of his age and gender.
D. Employees who score high on emotional stability are more likely to react strongly to negative events.
E. Employees react emotionally to events at work which affects their job performance and satisfaction.
Question 33
Which of the following statements is most likely to be true about differences between men and women in relation to emotional reactions?
A. Women express anger more frequently than men.
B. Men display positive emotions more frequently than women.
C. Men are more emotionally expressive than women.
D. Women tend to hold onto emotions longer than men.
E. Men experience emotions more intensely than women.
Question 34
Which of the following statements is true regarding the effects of moods and emotions on decision making?
A. People in good moods are less likely than others to use heuristics to make decisions.
B. Positive emotions tend to diminish problem-solving skills and analytical skills.
C. Depressed people tend to weigh all possible options rather than the most likely ones.
D. Moods and emotions have no direct influence on decision making.
E. People with positive emotions are slower at processing information as compared to depressed people.
Question 35
________ refers to the tendency of most individuals to experience a mildly positive mood at zero input when nothing in particular is going on.
A. Negativity bias
B. Low positive affect
C. Blunted affect
D. Positivity offset
E. Residual positivity
Question 36
Which of the following statements is true regarding emotional intelligence (EI)?
A. It is based on rationality instead of intuitive appeal to make judgments.
B. It refers to an aptitude for intellectual activities that cannot be acquired with personal effort.
C. It comprises a person’s ability to detect other’s and one’s own feelings.
D. It refers to a score derived from standardized tests to measure intelligence.
E. It refers to a person’s ability to suppress his or her true emotions and express organizationally accurate emotions.
Question 37
Jean Ervin works as a fund raising executive at a women rights organization in San Diego. Though she has been with the organization for only a year now, she has already been promoted and often gets excellent feedback from her manager. Her manager says that the key to Ervin’s good performance is because she is happy with the work she does and she is excited about the challenges in tasks which she takes up with a lot of enthusiasm. Which of the following mood dimensions is Ervin most likely to be feeling?
A. high positive affect
B. low positive affect
C. neutral affect
D. high negative affect
E. low negative affect
Question 38
Which of the following statements is most likely to be true regarding moods?
A. Moods are always brought about by a specific event.
B. As compared to emotions, moods are more likely to be clearly revealed by facial expressions.
C. Moods last for a very short period of time such as a few seconds.
D. Moods are cognitive in nature.
E. Moods are more fleeting than emotions.
Question 39
Surface acting deals only with ________ emotions.
A. strong
B. displayed
C. negative
D. weak
E. cognitive
Question 40
The findings of a recent company survey at Rader Industries showed that employees are experiencing high levels of work stress. To offset this, a manager suggests instituting a leave policy whereby employees must go on a mandatory vacation for 7 days in the year.
The manager’s suggestion is based on which of the following assumptions?
A. Employees have been working on regular working days of the year.
B. Employees’ workload can be adjusted to accommodate their requests to go on leave.
C. Employees have been able to go on leave whenever they wanted to.
D. Employees are not experiencing a lack of work-life balance.
E. Employees have been misusing the company’s leave encashment policy.


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