MGT 434 Grand Canyon Week 8 Discussion

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MGT 434 Grand Canyon Week 8 Discussion


MGT 434 Grand Canyon Week 8 Discussion 1

Effective managers stay abreast of current HR topics.

Some relevant issues facing today’s managers include: global HRM, labor relations, social media, whistleblower rules, e-HRM/self-service the knowledge economy, outsourcing pros and cons, managing four different generations in the workforce, increasing age of the workforce, employee privacy, the glass ceiling, implications of baby boomer retirements, immigration, social responsibility, elder care, executive pay, and alternative work arrangements.

Select three topics from the list above (or choose other current topics that are not included). Research each topic. For each of your three chosen topics, provide a bulleted list of four or five relevant points that you believe have significance for line managers.


MGT 434 Grand Canyon Week 8 Discussion 2

Three topics that I chose are: Social media, employee privacy and alternate work arrangements. I have listed at least four bulleted points that will help understand the topics selected.

Social Media

Can be a good marketing tool for an organization if monitored and used for business purposes

Has caused an increased rate of employee misuse

Mobile phones make it hard to enforce social media while at work

Can help employers or labor unions communicate information to employees

Employee Privacy

Businesses are trying to minimize legal exposure by restricting employee privacy

Businesses limit employee privacy in an effort to increase employee productivity

Businesses try to avoid proprietary information to be shared with competitors or other businesses

63% of employees view online social networking on a daily basis

Alternate work arrangements

Working Families Flexibility Act of 2012 allowed employees to request flexible work arrangements

Work schedules can include more hours with less days worked

Flexibility can increase employee morale, have less turnover, and increase productivity with employees

Employees with flexible schedules are more satisfied and therefore desire to stay longer at their place of employment

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