MGT 605 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion

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MGT 605 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion


MGT 605 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 1

In many organizations, being “people-centered” is considered soft, irrelevant, and unrelated to profitability. Using support from historical perspectives of organizational behavior, explain how you would rebut these arguments.


MGT 605 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 2

Review the “Skills Exhibited by an Effective Manager” (Table 1-2 in Organizational Behavior). Identify your particular areas of strength and discuss opportunities for your own development as a manager.


MGT 605 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 3

How would you go about facilitating the creation of diversity in an organization that is traditionally homogenous? What support is needed from top management in developing a program to implement organizational diversity? What potential problems of implementing a diversity program do you foresee and how can they be managed?

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