MHA 605 Discussion: Four Common Areas

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MHA 605 Discussion: Four Common Areas

MHA 605 Discussion: Four Common Areas

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

 Four Common Areas

According to Davenport (2014) there are four common areas of content and focus for best practices in healthcare analytics. Evaluate why these content areas are considered notable for healthcare analytics.

Guided Response: Review your peers’ posts and provide a substantive response to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7. A substantive response is a respectful, professional, and unique response that is at least five sentences in length and incorporates the following:

  • Highlights the key points of what you have learned from your peer’s post.
  • Adds your content knowledge.
  • Compares and contrasts.
  • Provides further research.
  • Is topic-related.

Monitor the forum through Day 7 to allow for robust dialogue.

MHA 605 Week 5 – Discussion: Four Common Areas

The five best practice providers discussed in Part IV of McNeill, Ed. (2014) share four common areas of content and focus when it comes to healthcare analytics.

  • All were early adopters of electronic health records (EHRs). The earlier an organization begins to collect electronic data, the more data there is for analysis, and the sooner Business Intelligence can be employed as a strategy for success.  Overall, EHRs lead to better clinical performance by enhancing patient care coordination, providing tools to assist clinicians with decision making, and improving communication among providers.  Additionally, Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) systems improve patient safety by greatly improving the accuracy of physician orders and decreasing the incidents of adverse medication reactions (McNeill, Ed., 2014).
  • These organizations have clear leadership for clinical analytics. They make analytics a top priority because they understand that it provides tools for measuring and improving performance in clinical areas.  Using Big Data to their advantage is part of their strategy for reducing medical errors, minimizing waste and inefficiency, and setting and achieving clinical quality metrics.  In this way, they can get a leg up on their competition.
  • The data in their clinical warehouses are used for research purposes, which can bring in research and development revenue for these organizations. Data may also be used to detect trends, such as outbreaks of disease, and can perhaps pinpoint the source.  For example, at the VA, a particular nasal spray was determined to be the cause of a rare form of pneumonia (McNeill, Ed., 2014).  Post-market surveillance can also be performed on pharmaceuticals and medical devices to highlight successes and failures.
  • Big Data is used to optimize business and financial performance– for instance, to determine optimal staffing levels, or to maximize reimbursement.  Analytics may also be used for marketing strategies, to determine how to best allocate resources to reach the target population.

ReferenceMcNeill, D. (Ed). (2014). Analytics in healthcare and the life sciences: Strategies, implementation, methods, and best practices. Upper Saddle River, NJ: International Institute for Analytics, Pearson Publisher.Required ResourcesTextDavenport, T. H. (Ed). (2014). Analytics in healthcare and the life sciences: Strategies, implementation, methods, and best practices. Upper Saddle River, NJ: International Institute for Analytics, Pearson Publisher. ISBN 13: 9780133407334

  • Part III: Healthcare Analytics Implementation Methods – This section of the text covers information on how healthcare data is extrapolated and utilized to streamline appropriate methods of implementation.  These textbook readings will provide assistance with the CSBI exam, the discussion question, and the assignment.

Website. (n.d.). Retrieved from

  • The Healthcare Financial Management Association is an organization of healthcare finance leaders that builds and supports coalitions with other healthcare associations and industry groups to face the challenges the U.S. healthcare system faces today. This website will provide assistance with your CSBI exam preparation and your assignment.Accessibility Statement does not exist

Required ResourcesWebsitesReynolds, G. (n.d.). . Retrieved from

  • This online resource provides helpful information on creating an engaging and interesting PowerPoint presentation. This web page may assist you in your presentation assignmentAccessibility Statement is not available.Privacy Policy is not available.

. (n.d.). Retrieved from

  • This online resource provides helpful information on creating an engaging and interesting PowerPoint presentation. This web page may assist you in your presentation assignment

MHA605 BUSINESS INTELLIGENCEWelcome to Week FiveAnalytical and quantitative skills are not always embraced by students, or those in the workforce.  Luckily, there are applications that will help us do this work and be able to present to others in a way that makes sense to them.  There are many resources available for best practices in healthcare.  (Sanders, n.d.) goes through seven practices of data governance that can help healthcare organizations move forward instead of being delayed in improvements because of not being able to sort through the mounds of data available.  These practices are also useful when working with groups or with any other changes that may be implemented in a healthcare organization.  An alternative way to improve a measure and match or surpass a best practice by a top performing healthcare organization is presented by Dunn (2014).  Dunn (2014) states that organizations need to continually adjust and improve the measure/practice in real-time, and the only way to be able to do this for front-line employees is to be adaptive.  Many healthcare organizations struggle with the concept of being adaptive because of the many regulations, policies, and procedures in place.  Changing one of these “on-the-fly” may result in upsetting another process that’s in place.  Working through changes as a team often helps identify more possibilities of improvement.Teamwork, as you are probably aware from your own personal experience, can be very productive or very challenging.  For example, if everyone does their part, things go fairly smoothly.  However, to do each part, someone must step up and become the leader.  Usually this evolves as one person has the natural tendencies to lead the team.  If it does not happen that way, however, someone must step up to divide the parts and figure out how these pieces will come together.  This week students will have the opportunity to work together on a case study.  The students will also invite the instructor to be a part of this team and provide guidance where necessary.  The world is becoming more and more virtual, so students will have the opportunity to work with some virtual tools that provide the capability of working together as a team.  One challenge may be to figure out a time that works for everyone to meet to discuss.  Most all of the work can be done offline, then a discussion to figure out how to present virtually.  If you are unable to move forward because of the lack of skill on the technology, do some Internet searching for tutorials, and feel free to contact your instructor.In week 4 you learned the basics about a database.  In this week, you will further develop your skills in this area and include the data from your findings on how analytics are being used in healthcare facilities.  You should be spending more time researching.  Usually there is at least one person on the team that has skills for using a spreadsheet tool and presentation tool.  If not, use the tutorials that are available.  Knowing how to use these tools will be invaluable for your employment in management, regardless of what your area may be.  Being able to present your findings in a meaningful way to the leaders is essential for moving forward in management and for requesting resources needed to grow your area of expertise.References:Dunn, L. (2014, August 27). Retrieved from, D. (n.d.).Retrieved from

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